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Let’s face it, job searching is tough. A simple Google search often yields millions of results. You find yourself sifting through countless job ads looking for companies that appeal to you, asking yourself a slew of questions along the way. Is this a real job or a pyramid scheme? Is this a company I’ll want to stay with? Then it finally happens—you find your dream company. You know this is the one—your background and experience matched up completely. You apply, and you’re still not hearing back. But why?

There could be many reasons you’re not hearing back from jobs after applying, some of which may be out of your control. The hiring manager may have cancelled the position or found someone internally. There could be the issue of timing; others were further ahead of you in the hiring process and someone else was already selected for the role. There are some factors, however, that are in your control. If you’re not hearing back from jobs after applying, follow the steps below next time you apply to your dream job.

Steps to follow if you’re not hearing back from jobs

Check your resume for typos

If you’re not hearing back from jobs after applying, ensure your resume, cover letter and/or application are typo-free. As a recruiter, I see resumes every day with multiple grammatical and/or spelling errors. This includes using ALL CAPITALS ON THE APPLICATION/RESUME or using all lower case, both of which can be perceived as having lower standards for work quality. Take the time to ensure you’re writing your best resume; have several friends who have strong attention to detail read it. Spell check is handy, but it won’t catch the difference between ‘customer’ and ‘costumer’ or other grammatical errors. Learn more resume writing tips.

Check that you have the right company name

Check that you have the right company and job title on your application. Just the other day I reviewed a resume from a candidate that mixed Progressive up with another company. Tell me, would you go out on a second date with someone who called you their ex’s name? Enough said.

Act on feedback from previous interviews

Sometimes you make it to an interview, and you’re not chosen. If you were truly a viable candidate for the role, a smart recruiter will let you know that and provide feedback on what to work on to become a better candidate. If the recruiter recommends that you gain additional experience, make sure you do and then highlight it on your resume before re-applying. Two months’ worth of experience is typically not enough. A good rule of thumb is a minimum of six months. Learn more about questions to ask during an interview.

If you demonstrate that you’re willing and able to apply interview feedback given during the hiring process, a recruiter or hiring manager will feel more confident that you’ll do the same when you’re in the role.

Don’t apply to the same jobs across multiple locations

Progressive has a centralized recruiting department and a tracking system which shows what jobs you have applied to. Most big companies do. If we see you’ve applied to 47 different locations at the same time, it’s unclear to us where you truly want to be. Being open to relocation can be a good thing but pick your top location and apply there first. Explain in your resume that you’re open to other locations.

Don’t apply to every advertised position a company advertises

At Progressive, we’re looking for motivated people who will stay with the company for a long time. While you may think applying to everything shows your passion to work for us, applying to drastically different jobs sends us a muddled message. Apply only for the roles you really want, making certain to highlight the skills on your resume that are transferable to the role you’re applying for.

Although following these tips can’t guarantee you get the role, they can decrease the odds of not hearing back from jobs and getting a chance to tell your dream company how you’ll be a dream employee. Good luck!